الأكل في رمضان بعد عملية تحويل مسار المعدة

Diet in Ramadan after Gastric bypass surgery

-After a gastric bypass, the digestive system is physically different and cannot absorb large amounts of food.

-However, it is bad for many people to completely refrain from eating, as you know that after a gastric bypass, it is important to eat enough fluids and nutrients.

-Because of rapid weight loss, you need to make sure you have all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you need to recover.

-But during Ramadan, Fasting can lead to serious side effects in patients after gastric bypass, but they can still follow a balanced diet and achieve great weight loss results while maintaining health.

Fasting problems after gastric bypass

-People who fast during Ramadan face many challenges, so you must create your own new diet after gastric bypass.

-Because you cannot eat large amounts in one sit, and you must drink fluids throughout the day, fasting can put you at risk of dehydration, malnutrition.

-Additionally, consuming insufficient protein can reduce lean body mass and metabolic rate.

-Prolonged fasting may cause vomiting, dehydration, and malnutrition.

-Foods that are usually eaten at the end of a long day of fasting in Ramadan are sweets, carbohydrates, and fats that can also put you at risk of developing dumping syndrome (fatty diarrhea or excess feces in your stools caused by poor absorption of fats).

-Small stomach size after gastric bypass can make it difficult to contain the right amount of food, supplements, and medications at mealtimes after fasting.

Ways to divide meals in Ramadan after gastric bypass

-Don’t give up on weight loss during Ramadan and continue your goal of getting your ideal weight. It is important to continue eating your healthy, natural diet that you are used to after gastric bypass.

-Your main meal should also include foods that contain protein and vegetables. Adding low-sugar carbohydrates may be helpful to release sustainable energy during daily fasting periods.

Although you fast from sunrise to sunset, However, with careful planning, you can still eat 2-3 small, nutritious meals and one snack each day. You can divide the meals after gastric bypass as follows:

• Suhoor just before Al-fajr.

• Iftar immediately after Maghreb’s.

• Dinner around 2-3 hours after Iftar.

• One snack in the evening.           

Tips for eating in Ramadan after the gastric bypass

Here are some quick tips that doctors advise after a gastric bypass to help you during fasting, and how to ensure continued weight loss during this period:

•Eat 2-3 small, nutritious meals every day: Suhoor, Iftar and dinner.

• Eat 1 snack daily, preferably a low-calorie fruit or low-fat yogurt.

•Meals should contain mostly high-protein foods and vegetables, with a small number of foods that are low in carbohydrates.

•Remember that Iftar is a meal, not a feast, and regular meal sizes should be consumed.

•Eat slowly and chew your food well to avoid indigestion, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.

• Break the fast by a warm drink or soup 10-15 minutes before eating to avoid indigestion.

• Avoid bad calories like sweets, pastries, fried foods, and fruit juice, and you can limit sweets to 1-2 times a week.

• Avoid eating and drinking at the same time so that you can drink between iftar, dinner, and suhoor.

• Try getting up early before suhoor to drink and aim to drink 2 liters of water per day.

• Continue to take multiple vitamins, and they should be taken in suhoor and iftar if necessary.

• Eat more fiber if you are susceptible to constipation.

• Continue to exercise after iftar.

• Talk to your doctor about the usual medications before you start fasting.

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